Personal Reflection

 Hello Professor Brad,

I am Danial Amirul, a first-year Mechanical Engineering student who will be enrolling into your Critical Thinking and Communicating class, S20. I graduated from Temasek Polytechnic (TP) with a diploma in Aerospace Electronics, and have attained the Certificate of Recognition (COR) that is endorsed by the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS). In TP, I have attended a similar subject called Current Issues and Critical Thinking (CICT), thus, I feel that I will have an easier time understanding things taught in your class. I chose Mechanical Engineering due to my prior educational background and likeness for aircraft from a young age. I have always been fascinated by how such a huge and complex machine is trusted to transport people and goods across the globe.

Throughout the years, from all the various class presentations, a communication weakness that I have identified about myself is that I have a lack of confidence during presentations. This would result in my presentations having a weak delivery. During a presentation, I get hesitant and start to use a lot of filler words and lose my train of thought. Part of this is because I tend to be more quiet and I prefer to be more reserved. However, there is strength in that. A communication strength I feel that I have is that I can listen well. When I actively listen, I make sure to give my full attention to the speaker, show that I understand their message, and respond thoughtfully if I have a response.

My goal for this module is to slowly build up my confidence in presenting. I feel that this would prepare me for important events later on in life such as job interviews and client handling. Furthermore, this module would teach me the skills that I need to write and organise my reports better. I look forward to joining you in class in the months to come.


Danial Amirul


  1. Hi Danial! Overall, your letter is engaging and well-crafted. The content shows reflection on your past experiences and future aspirations, and the structure is effective. However, while you mention filler words as a weakness in presentations, a few phrases in the letter itself can be trimmed. For example, “Part of this is because” could be simplified to “This is partly because.”

  2. Hi Daniel, nice to meet you too. overall, this letter is very engaging and well written. I like how you have reflected on well on your past encounters and how you link your interest to pursue a degree in engineering. hope to see you in school.


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